Building Departments

The Building Permit Department is Administered through the City Clerk’s Office and can be reached at  334-872-0104.


New Construction


1. You must acquire a FEMA Floodplain Certification

Federal law requires that the property on which you propose to build be identified with respect to the flood zone in which it exists.  This is a No Charge service the city of Valley Grande provides to you.  Upon verification of the proposed location, the city of Valley Grande will verify the flood zone.  The FEMA Floodplain Certification is part of your total building permit package and will be issued with your building permit once all requirements are met.

Information needed to complete your FEMA Floodplain Certification:

  1. Name and address of property owner
  2. Official E-911 address of the proposed building site
  3. Type of construction material(s) that will be used
  4. Project cost
  5. Signature of homeowner

2. Building Permit

The responsible contractor in charge must identify himself or herself as an individual licensed to perform the appropriate service.  i.e. State Homebuilders License, State General Contractors License.  Please understand that state law prohibits us from issuing a building permit to an individual who is not properly licensed.  In order that we may issue the building permit, the following information is required:

  1. Builder / Contractor Name, a current valid license and a current Valley Grande business  license.
  2. One stamped copy of the plans
  3. Names / current valid license number and current Valley Grande business license of the individuals providing:
  • Plumbing
  • Heating / Air
  • Electrical
  • The prospective homeowner’s name, phone number and current mailing address. 

3. City of Valley Grande Business License 

The Business License Department is Administered by Stacy Smitherman, Asst. City Clerk. Please inform ALL your subcontractors of the requirement to be licensed in Valley Grande.  All individuals who perform work in Valley Grande MUST have a current business license issued by Valley Grande.

4. E-911 Address

Please contact the E-911 office at 874-1212 to request an address for the property.  The address will be issued to City Hall and will be released to the homeowner only after all permit requirements are met.

5. Septic Permit

Issued by the county health inspector, a copy of this must be provided to the City.

6. Power Release

Homeowner must make application for power with Alabama Power @ 1-800-245-2244.

TEMPORARY power will be released after satisfactory inspection of the temporary power pole and footings.

PERMANENT power will be released after satisfactoy final inspection by City Inspector


There are 4 required inspections.  Failure to submit to these inspections will cause the issuance of a Stop-Work-Order.  The inspection fee must be paid by the general contractor upfront and prior to inspection – no inspections will be made before the inspection fee is paid.

  • Inspection #1: Prior to pouring concrete for footings  
  • Inspection #2: Slab / floor framing inspection – prior to concrete for slab –                  includes inspection  of under floor plumbing.
  • Inspection #3: Rough In – prior to wall coverings – includes inspection of electrical, HVAC and plumbing.
  • Inspection #4: Final Inspection – when house or structure is ready for occupancy.

** An additional inspection fee will be required for any re-inspections**

Any work done prior to receipt of the completed permit is a violation of city ordinance and subject to fine and penalty.

No construction can begin until an official building permit is issued

Mobile Home

Mobile Homes


Mobile Home Permit Application

Mobile homes are required to be permitted prior to placement within the city limits of Valley Grande.  Any structure moved in or placed on any location within the city limits of Valley Grande shall be required to be permitted PRIOR to that placement.  Failure to do so will result in the requirement to remove the mobile home until the proper paperwork is submitted.  Please see the attached sample permit. You are responsible for making sure that you have obtained a permit PRIOR to the placement of any mobile home within the Valley Grande city limits.

There is a building permit fee of $750 for double-wide and $500 for single wide mobile homes, which will cover the cost of all inspections – electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. All these inspections will be made at one time when the structure is ready for occupancy.

The following items shall be required prior to permit issuance

1)  911 Address of proposed location
*Homeowner must apply for this by contacting E-911 @ 874-1212

2)  FEMA Floodplain Certification
* This will require the homeowner’s signature.
* This form cannot be completed by our office until the 911 address is received from E-911.

3) Names, valid, current license numbers, and Valley Grande Business licenses of individuals to do the following work:
–          Transport and set up structure
–          Electrician
–          Plumbing / Gas
–          Heating & Air

4)  A copy of the permit issued by the county health officer to install a septic tank.

5)  Payment of permit fee

Building Ordinance

The following building ordinances for the City of Valley Grande are available for review at city hall:


  • #2003-16 Flood Damage ControlOrdinance
  • #2004-02 Adoption of National Flood Insurance ProgramOrdinance
  • #2004-08 Adoption of International Building CodeResolution
  • #2004-10 Adoption of Natural Hazard Mitigation PlanOrdinance
  • #2004-22 Adoption of National Electric Code
  • #2018-88 Building Permit fees & Mobile Homes Fees

Click Here for all Ordinances:

Flood Insurance

National Flood Insurance Program

In 1968, Congress created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in response to the rising cost of taxpayer funded disaster relief for flood victims and the increasing amount of damage caused by floods. The Mitigation Division a component of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) manages the NFIP, and oversees the floodplain management and mapping components of the Program.

Nearly 20,000 communities across the United States and its territories participate in the NFIP by adopting and enforcing floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage. In exchange, the NFIP makes Federally backed flood insurance available to homeowners, renters, and business owners in these communities.

Flood damage is reduced by nearly $1 billion a year through partnerships with communities, the insurance industry, and the lending industry. Further, buildings constructed in compliance with NFIP building standards suffer approximately 80 percent less damage annually than those not built in compliance. And, every $3 paid in flood insurance claims saves $1 in disaster assistance payments.

The NFIP is self-supporting for the average historical loss year, which means that operating expenses and flood insurance claims are not paid for by the taxpayer, but through premiums collected for flood insurance policies. The Program has borrowing authority from the U.S. Treasury for times when losses are heavy, however, these loans are paid back with interest.

Flood Insurance is required by law

To get secured financing to buy, build, or improve structures in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA’s) you will be required to purchase flood insurance. Lending institutions that are federally regulated or federally insured must determine if the structure is located in a SFHA and must provide written notice requiring flood insurance.

Flood insurance is available to any property owner located in a community participating in the NFIP. All areas are susceptible to flooding, although to varying degrees, in fact, 25% of all flood claims occur in the low-to-moderate risk areas. Flooding can be caused by heavy rains, melting snow, by inadequate drainage systems, failed protective devices such as levees and dams, as well as by tropical storms and hurricanes.

Inspector Corner

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